On this day in 1806, Lewis and Clark wrapped up their expedition and began their trip back to St. Louis. And about halfway home, they realized they’d left their phone chargers at the hotel.
On this day in 2011, Hollywood icon Elizabeth Taylor died. And even though she was dead, she somehow married five more times.
On this day in 1857, Elisha Otis installed the first commercial elevator in a building in New York City. The day also marks the first time one stranger awkwardly nodded at another and said, “Mondays, am I right?”
On this day in 1909, President Theodore Roosevelt left for his post-presidency safari, where he killed or captured 4,000 birds, 2,000 reptiles and amphibians, 500 fish, and 5,000 mammals. Or as that’s also known, one hot dog.
On this day in 1958, Hugh Grant was born. His first words: “Goo…what is it now, ah yes…goo…if you would just humor me for a moment…ga…and uh, what the devil is it, ah yes, there it is…ga.”
Today in 2010, Obamacare went into effect in the United States. Though to Vice-President Biden’s chagrin, it would not cover Flintstone Vitamins.
On this day in 1839, the initials O.K., short for “oll korrect,” were first published in the Boston Morning Post – making “OK” part of the national vernacular. When they heard this, people said, “Aight.”
On this day in 1775, Patrick Henry declared, delivered his speech: “Give me liberty, or give me death!” Followed by: “Give me one reason to stay here, and I’ll turn right back around.”
On this day in 2021, a container ship ran aground and obstructed the Suez Canal. But the blockage subsided, when they filled the canal with coffee and prunes.
On this day in 1801, Tsar Paul I of Russia was struck with a sword, strangled, then trampled to death inside his bedroom. And the next day, the “safe word” was invented.
Enjoy the present. And remember…The Garden’s Always Greener.